Sunday, May 17, 2009

Peace Love and Lip Gloss

Halle lives life with passion.   She drinks in every hour of every day.  When her head hits the pillow she is usually out with in minutes.  Sadly, getting her to go to sleep is a monumental task!  See that band aid on Halle's index finger.  She was bit by the undomesticated hamster Pippen.  While we were attending to Taylor's appedix crisis, a nasty bacteria was growing under the band aid.  When we removed it--Shocking scareyness!  Her finger was black and seriously infected.  We rushed her to Dr Vierra her pediatrician.  Dr Vierra cleaned the wound and prescribed an anti-biotic.  Two weeks later it looks like we caught it in time.  Halle will not handle Pippen.  Halle loves to help.  She brushes my hair, makes pancakes with me, dresses up for all occastions, and wears a Tigger costume in April.   Oh yea and she bounces and bounces and bounces her way through life!!!
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